Saturday, September 22, 2007

Gems for you by New Hampshire authors, preface

[edited by] by F.A. Moore
Manchester, N.H.
[pub. by] William H. Fisk


The appearance of the present volume will occasion no surprise. It was thought well enough to attempt something of a readable and presentable kind,better suited to the popular tastes than any previous collection in this quarter. To this end, our efforts have been mainly directed, and we hope, too, not without a degree of success.

The materials employed have been such as came readily to hand, and no attempt has been made to embody a full selection from New Hampshire literature. A less imposing, less presumptuous task was ours. But while angling in our "waters," it may seem invidious, almost, that we have not drawn more variously from our New Hampshire writers; yet, in this respect, we were not unlike the fisherman who threw away his rod, not when he had drained the stream, but when he had obtained his "string-full."

Of the character and quality of the work, they will speak for themselves, and need no elucidation. The writers are all believed to partake of New Hampshire growth or origin; and as such, are presented to each other, and to their friends in the Granite State.
APRIL, 1850.

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